"I wonder what she meant by that", asked Luna.

"How can the soldiers be enemies of the forest? Of course they are cruel to people, but surely they can't hurt the forest and nature".

However Luna had forgotten that people could use fire to destroy the forest.



The sky cleared up and the sun shone. The children leant against an oak trunk and licked all the honey off their fingers; then they washed their hands in a brook. They must make contact with the Rebels before dusk. They knew the days were shorter now and the nights were cold. However, they had no idea which way to go, but the sun came to their help. It sank in the west and there lay the enemy, so they must go east by keeping their backs to the sun in order to have a chance of meeting the Rebels.

They were not at all tired and Luna wondered what the honey contained.

"It must have been bewitched", she said.

"Are we bewitched now", asked Midar.

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