"We shan't go into exile Midar. We shall stay in our native land and be Rebels".

"Does that mean that we needn't return to those villages where there are soldiers", asked Midar hopefully.

"We shall not go to the farming areas", said Luna.

"Hilonien must be liberated before we can go home".

"But suppose Hilonien is never liberated; what shall we do then"?


"In that case we must stay in the forest for the rest of our lives. It is better to live there than die in Lindby".

They went hand in hand through the trees on the islet to look for their boat. At first they didn't succeed; it had vanished! Luna then realized that they were on the wrong side of the islet. When they finally find the boat they hurried to push it out and jumped in.

Midar tried to row, but it was best to let big sister do it. They landed on the nearby shore and pushed the boat up. It was then they saw a frightful sight; a dead soldier was bobbing up and down in the reeds, face upwards. He seemed to be looking at the sky, but he would never see anything again.

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