"You must have understood that I would never let those soldiers rape my only daughter", he said and hugged her.

"I would willingly have died to enable you to live a happy life", my girl.

When her mother saw that her daughter was happy, she herself was soon in a good mood. She put some sticks on the fire and warmed up the porridge.

"Now we can celebrate that we have royal guests", said the farmer and filled their glasses with mead.


Luna and Midar sat curled up in bed with Elona who was already like a mother for them. The little Prince leaned his head on her arm and she caressed him to make him feel safe. Then she talked to Luna:

"It makes me so happy to hold a real Princess's hand. You are so sweet and fairylike with your blond hair".

- Do you know what the farmers in the village call me? She asked Luna.

- It must be something pleasant as you are so kind, said Luna.

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