Suddenly, they came across a beaten track and not far away they could see the outline of a small farm with a light in its windows.

The farmer was surprised when the door was opened and the two children came in.

"Where have you come from"? Asked the farmer in a friendly way.

"Please help us"! Begged Luna.

She looked imploringly at the farmer and his family. The farmer's first thought was that they had run away from cruel step-parents who had threatened to trash them.


They would never believe that they were hunted by thousands of enemy soldiers, some of them with dogs. But the farmer's wife saw intuitively that there was some connection with the war.

"What has happened to you"? She asked with tears in her eyes.

"Has the enemy killed your parents"?

They couldn't answer, but Luna's lips trembled. She wanted to say something, but couldn't manage it. Midar was shy in front of the family and as soon as he had eaten some porridge he tried to get Luna to go out again, but she said that they must stay.

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